Thursday, August 14, 2014


I have been living in Fremantle since May this year. I'm treated like a third class citizen. An old German was living nearby pretending to be a doctor. He decided that all the babies born at Fremantle Hospital must return at the age of three and either have their penises bitten off by him or be raped depending on their gender. This had been going on for generations.                                                        
I work as:-                                                                                                                                                 
-Emperor of Australia.                                                                                                                                   
-Governor-General of Australia.                                                                                                                
-Acting Prime Minister of Australia.                                                                                                            
-Acting Premier of Western Australia.                                                                                                        
-Acting Mayor of Perth.                                                                                                                               
-Acting Mayor of Fremantle.                                                                                                                      
...I don't get paid!                                                                                                                                        

Friday, July 04, 2014

Methamphetamine raid at Fremantle Hospital

Fremantle. With all the thousands of kilograms of methamphetamine being brought through the port and stored at the Fremantle Hospital everyone has gone crazy. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Port Fremantle in Western Australia.

For the past couple of months I've been living at 425/100 Hampton Road in Fremantle in Western Australia. The building was originally used by the local hospital but was sold in the early seventies, more than forty years ago. It became housing for Aboriginal Natives of Australia, the people who have lived in Australia, or to use it's ancient and true name, Wadjuk, for hundreds of thousands of years. After it's sale in 1971, the building's residents were, one a day, taken away by force by the local health clinic known as Fremantle Hospital. The Wadjuk natives were, once they had arrived at the clinic, put to death. Afterwards the clinic claimed to still own 100 Hampton Road in Fremantle. 
   There is a tunnel network throughout the area here and shafts run from Fremantle Hospital to 100 Hampton Road. Often here we are attacked by the 'hospital'. Most nights they come through the tunnels armed with automatic rifles hoping to murder one of us residents here. 'Jump!' I can say as they approach the building underground, making them leap as high as they can while inside an illegal low-ceilinged shaft. They don't live. Sometimes they get inside the building and the same technique works. Because they jump so high when asked, if this happens outdoors they break when they land.
       I strolled down to the supermarket today and bought blue cheese, meat, vegetable juice, smokes. Near the supermarket I was shot in the chest from inside an office. The bullet vaporized as it flew through the window so I'm still ok. It appeared to be a lawyers office so I told the fool inside the building that I would sue. I probably won't bother but it frightened the timid Perv person.
    I'm a man that needs female companionship, from all the women, an emotional bond so I can feel free. I also need a woman for sex, a woman that expects me to have sex with her. I need a cooperative woman. I'm such a gentle lover and Westralian women are all 'harder, harder!' 

Friday, April 18, 2014

New Post.
Since last writing there have been some developments. I helped France recover antique documents from Western Australia which were used in a court in the European Union to prove that France has owned the island of Australia since 1471 A.D., and that France and the French people, legally under Napolean, still own the island of Australia. Now I have four Croix de Guerre awards. Also Michigan uni gave me five new PhDs and Oxford Uni did too so I now have fifteen PhDs. When I wrote the last post on this blog I was in Bentley Hospital in W.A. recovering from what I was told at the time was mental illness. It turns out they just said that because they were Australians that drugged me unconscious at Royal Perth Hospital then raped me and tried to stab me to death by cutting an artery near my prostate. They had already stabbed me twice in the back as I slept. I've been told that I bled out before being handed to a surgeon who removed my prostate because he was told to. Somehow I was allowed to recover after being given blood, probably infected blood, I mean this is Australia. The U.S. Military told me about this rape and murder attempt by Royal Perth Hospital staff. Royal Perth Hospital staff have said nothing to me about it. I feel betrayed by Australians, you know them, those people who are so useless they should be extinct with their pale skin and lack of civility, not to mention their revoltingly disgusting attitudes towards people that aren't completely devoid of all intelligence and human feeling. In my heart I know now from this experience that people here in Perth are so extremely evil that they cannot live any longer. This colony of perverted murderers is sentenced to death. It is true.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Heating up

I'm back in Perth in Western Australia. Rumour has it that I had a Vc before I left Perth but now I have 2VC's and three Croix de Guerre medals. I also have five PhDs from Melbourne university. Most people her would rather wallow in ignorance than to learn my true record, I was shot at for days by local methgangs who were paid by the Australian Liberal Party to become assassins. I am secure now, I handed myself in to the hospital who are hiding me here. Life should be easier once the election time in S.A. is over. If you are interested in me writing for you then go  to