Good morning! It's quiet here at Hermanna's, she is asleep and there is no traffic outside. The only sounds are the wind in the trees and newsradio's Saturday morning programming. I like newsradio it's not as dumb as some other radio stations. The steamboat Castella based in Hobart turns 100 today and is Australia's oldest licensed ferry. A barrel of oil costs $117 US. A few nights ago I was awake late and tried getting a beer in Northbridge but everywhere was closed. Last night I soothed the hurt that caused me by buying a bottle of beer from the local shop here. I really enjoyed having a glass of beer and a few pipes of cannabis while my best mate Kate set up an Internet dating website profile for me. I like adult humans of the opposite gender to me and I never get a fuck so Kate who is so dear to me is trying to help. Hi Kate! I know you're reading this! I live in Perth which is named after a town in Scotland. In 1266 the Treaty of Perth was signed and the Norse agreed to leave most of Scotland in return for money. (A random fact for you.) Perth is a word that comes from the Old Norse language that the Vikings spoke. The University of Western Australia does not have a English/Old Norse Dictionary but does have an English/Old Icelandic dictionary which should allow me to conclude my research into the meaning of the word Perth. Iceland was settled by Vikings so Old Icelandic is really Old Norse. Now I'm curious about the period in Iceland between Viking expansion and Columbus's expedition west to the America's. Were they cut off from Europe? I'll try and find out. Ok, signing off, research to do.