What a night last night. Yesterday I consumed Kava, I didn't drink it, the government doesn't let me import it. No, I swallowed Kava tablets, too many, and it made me drunk. But then I couldn't sleep all night. I had the radio on, Newsradio, and the news was on all night. I'm still not sure whether I was dozing and half dreaming but I remember hearing that the mass murderer who poses as the West Australian Government leader, his name is Colin Burnett, I heard that he had been killed by a bomb. In itself this could be considered some sort of accident, he is very clumsy and stupid, but somehow it seemed that for some reason I myself was somehow being blamed for his stupidity! Gee why on Earth would I want some Nazi Party, I mean Liberal Party criminally insane low IQ thug of a mass murderer killed by a bomb? Sure a trial and execution would make sense but a BOMB!? I don't really like them much I mean sure explosives have a purpose like in mining, you know blasting a pit-mine deeper but how can he be forced to confess before a judge when a bomb has killed him? I suspect that perhaps his drug dealer bosses may be Al Qaeda and wanted him dead so he couldn't testify against them at his trial. And what is with me getting the blame? Did I somehow quickly rush off to Perth, set off a bomb, something I don't like at all, and then quickly rush back to Salisbury, on foot? A 6000 kilometre round trip? In the blink of an eye? No, no. Far more likely is that I was still drunk on the Kava and imagined the news reports. After all, political enemies of mine have said for years that everything I think and know and perceive is fictional and false, plus I've even been falsely imprisoned and heavily sedated and suffered a dozen or so execution attempts. So I guess I must say with all certainty; Kava, Kava, Kava, Kava, Kava, Kava!!